Branding a Manual
Branding a manual lets you attach your name and corporate message (or that of your clients) to your training materials. There are a number of branding options, which are explained below.
When you request a branded manual we'll put it together and send you an email with a download link when it is completed. Branded manuals are stored on our servers for three months.
Change the header
The header is displayed at the top-right of each page of the manual. You might want to replace this with the name of your course (such as 'Introduction to Excel' or 'Excel for Beginners'). You can leave this field empty to keep the existing header text.
Change the footer
The footer is displayed at the bottom-left of each page of the manual. You might want to personalise this with the name of your training organisation or the name of your client. You can leave this field empty to keep the existing footer text.
Add a header or footer overlay
The overlay is displayed over the manual content. This option is generally used to place your logo in the footer or header.
Add a watermark
The watermark is displayed behind the manual content. It must be a PDF file. This option is generally used to place a watermark behind the manual's text and images.