Microsoft Project 2013 and Microsoft Access 2013 Updates
This month we spent some time adding some requested content to our courseware for two of the more powerful programs in the Microsoft Office suite.
If you haven't used them before, Microsoft Project is a project management application designed to assist project managers with developing a plan, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing the budget, and analyzing workloads. Microsoft Access is a database application for storing records and building powerful reports and graphical interfaces (if you've worked with Excel you can think of a database as a spreadsheet on steroids).
Microsoft Project 2013
In Microsoft Project 2013 - Level 1 and Microsoft Project 2013 - Level 2 we've added content for task calendars, inactivating tasks and simple custom fields.
In Microsoft Project 2013 - Level 3 we've added content delving deeper into custom fields as well as for WBS codes and visual reports.
Microsoft Access 2013
In Microsoft Access 2013 - Level 2 we've added more content about creating forms.
In Microsoft Access 2013 - Level 3 we've added more content about importing, exporting and database security and wellness.
A sneak peak at Watsonia Learning Online
We've also spent a lot of time on our new Watsonia Learning Online platform, polishing it up and testing it internally. We hope to have it ready for release soon and are very keen to hear what you have to say about it. Below are some screenshots of it running on various screens.